Value-Based Payment Quality Improvement Advisory Committee

Value-Based Payment and Quality Improvement Advisory Committee provides a forum to promote public-private, multi-stakeholder collaboration in support of quality improvement and value-based payment initiatives for Medicaid, other publicly funded health services and the wider health care system. Membership:
Dana Danaher, Austin
Frank Dominguez, El Paso
Carol Huber, San Antonio, Chair
Janet Hurley, Whitehouse
Andy Keller, PhD, Dallas
Kathy Lee, Gatesville
Melissa Matlock, Canyon
Benjamin, McNabb, Pharm. D., Eastland
Binita Patel, Houston
Rachana Patwa, Missouri City
Mary Dale Peterson, MD, Chair, Corpus Christi
Alejandro Posada, Houston
Joseph Ramon III, R.Ph., McAllen
Michael Stanley, MD, Dallas
Ex Officio Representatives
Mark Chassay, Fort Worth
Lisa C. Kirsch, Austin
Shayna Spurlin, College Station
Welcome and roll call The meeting was convened by the chair, Dr. Huber. A quorum was established.
Consideration of May 10,