Value-Based Payment and Quality Improvement Advisory Committee

Value-Based Payment and Quality Improvement Advisory Committee provides a forum to promote public-private, multi-stakeholder collaboration in support of quality improvement and value-based payment initiatives for Medicaid, other publicly funded health services and the wider health care system.
Welcome and roll call. The meeting was convened by Carol Huber, Chair. A quorum was present.
Consideration of May 20, 2024, draft meeting minutes. The minutes were approved as drafted
HHSC staff update:
APM Performance framework has been published. This committee was the catalyst for this framework. HHSC uses the nationally recognized Healthcare Payment Learning and Action Network (HCP LAN) APM Framework (PDF) to guide this effort and to align definitions. This framework describes a range of APM concepts, encompassing varying degrees of risk on providers. Managed care provided 82 comments contributing to the framework. The framework will provide greater flexibility.