TIPPS, RAPPS, and DPP BHS Proposed SFY 2025 Quality Metrics and Requirements

The Texas Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) conducted an online public hearing on December 14, 2023, to review, and receive public comment on, proposed state fiscal year (SFY) 2025 quality metrics and requirements for the Texas Incentives for Physicians and Professional Services (TIPPS) Program, Rural Access to Primary and Preventive Services (RAPPS) Program and Directed Payment Program for Behavioral Health Services (DPP BHS). The hearing was held in compliance with Title 1 of the Texas Administrative Code, Sections 353.1311, 353.1317, and 353.1322
1. Overview
2. TIPPS Measures (TIPPS)
TIPPS is a DPP for certain physician groups providing health care services to children and adults enrolled in the STAR, STAR+PLUS and STAR Kids Medicaid managed care programs. Eligible physician groups include health-related institutions (HRIs), indirect medical education (IME) physician groups affiliated with hospitals and other physician groups.
The program includes three comp