Texas Insight provides timely reporting of healthcare issues and events as they occur within the legislative and regulatory branches of Texas state government.

Health Resources and Services Administration Webinars: CARES Act Medicaid/CHIP Provider Relief Funds, June 23 and 25, 2020. The Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) held two webinars on the CARES Act targeted Medicaid/CHIP provider relief funds. The presentation during the second webinar began with an overview of the CARES Act HHS funding distribution of $175 billion to hospitals and healthcare providers on the front lines. The first package was a General Distribution of $50 billion, broken into an initial $30 billion distribution, then $20 billion, and allocated proportional to providers’ share of 2018 net patient revenue. The methodology is designed to provide relief to providers, who bill Medicare fee-for-service, with at least 2% of that provider’s gross patient revenue regardless of the provider’s payer mix. These are payments, not loans, and do not need to be repaid. Read the full report.
HHSC: State Medicaid Managed Care Advisory Committee. The Committee gathered to hear Advisory Committee chair updates; hear State Medicaid Managed Care Advisory Committee subcommittee updates; discuss the prior authorization processes and provider burden; hear Health and Human Services Commission updates; and more. Access the full report here.
HHSC: Value-Based Payment and Quality Improvement Advisory Committee. The Committee gathered to review and approve the bylaws; hear presentations on the Joint Commission, Leveraging Multi-Payer Data, and the Texas Medical Home Initiative; discuss HHSC value-based payment strategies; discuss the 2020 Legislative Report, and more. Access the full report here.

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