Texas Insight provides timely reporting of healthcare issues and events as they occur within the legislative and regulatory branches of Texas state government.

HHSC: Behavioral Health Advisory Committee. The Committee gathered to hear Peer Services, Suicide Prevention, and Health and Human Services Commission updates; discuss access to care for underrepresented groups; discuss Behavioral Health Advisory Committee infrastructure; and more. Read the report.
HHSC: Texas Council on Cardiovascular Disease and Stroke. The Council gathered to discuss and vote on the draft recommendations for the 87th Regular Legislative Session; discuss the report on Chronic Care Workgroup and Stroke Survivors and Caregivers, the Cardiovascular Disease and Stroke Partnership Liaison report, and the American Heart Association Liaison Report; and more. Read the report.

August 25, 2020
- This meeting will be webcast: Nursing Facility Payment Methodology Advisory Committee (NF-PMAC) Agenda
- This meeting will be webcast: Value-Based Payment and Quality Improvement Advisory Committee (VBPQIAC) Agenda
August 26, 2020
- State Medicaid Managed Care Advisory Committee Complaints, Appeals, and Fair Hearings Subcommittee (SMMCAC CAFH) Agenda
- This meeting will be webcast: Early Childhood Intervention (ECI) Advisory Committee New Member Orientation Agenda
- This meeting will be webcast: Public Health Funding and Policy Committee (PHFPC) Agenda
- This meeting will be webcast: State Medicaid Managed Care Advisory Committee Agenda

- Texas students said pandemic-era tuition should be cut. But it’s going up at some schools due to distance learning fees.
- TMA to Air Pro-Vaccine Ads During Political Conventions
- Out-of-work Texans could start seeing extra $300 in unemployment payments next week
- Roger Williams: Announces $1.8 Million FEMA Grant For Texas Department of Public Safety
- In shift, Texas begins publishing some data on coronavirus cases at child care centers
- “We’re being treated as guinea pigs”: Faculty members fear in-person return to Texas universities
- Fort Worth Chamber leader talks vision, road to recovery from pandemic
- Texas becomes fourth state to surpass 10,000 COVID-19 deaths
- Climate Is Taking on an Outsize Role for Voters, Research Suggests
- 57 percent of Republicans say coronavirus death toll is ‘acceptable’
- EPA approves a virus-killing coating for American Airlines, studies use by schools
- Covid-19 Live Updates: Researchers Document First Case of Virus Reinfection
- Trump seeks health care victory on prescription drugs
- Virus Response Fueling G.O.P. Bid to Retake New Mexico Seat
- Infectious Disease Society says hydroxychloroquine should not be used to treat coronavirus patients
- Exclusive: Nearly a fifth of enrollees in Pfizer, BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine study are Black or Latino
- Why Are Coronavirus Cases Decreasing? Experts Say Restrictions Are Working
- CDC report says some child care centers may be safely reopened
- F.D.A. Allows Expanded Use of Plasma to Treat Coronavirus Patients
- Top FDA official vows to resign if Trump approves vaccine not proven to be safe
- Billions in Hospital Virus Aid Rested on Compliance With Private Vendor
- Trump administration bars FDA review of some coronavirus tests
- Moderna says more than 40% of participants enrolled for COVID-19 vaccine trial
- Covid in the Classroom? Some Schools Are Keeping It Quiet
- Senators open investigation into prescription delays through Postal Service
- Why Antibody Tests Won’t Help You Much
- COVID-19 fatality rates fall as treatments improve
- Economic Data Points to Pause in Recovery as Aid Programs Expire
- U.S. energy-related CO2 emissions drop to record in April: EIA