The Cancer Prevention Research Institute of Texas (CPRIT)

The Cancer Prevention and Research Institute of Texas (CPRIT) was established in 2007. Prior to that time, it existed as the Texas Cancer Council, which was established in 1985 to coordinate statewide cancer control efforts. CPRIT accepts applications for funding and awards grants in three areas: it funds academic research, funds the development of life science products, and funds cancer prevention and screening initiatives carried out by public and private entities. All CPRIT projects take place in Texas and reportedly utilize Texas-based scientists. The agency reports attracting $2.6 billion dollars in additional non-state funding for cancer research, which creates the promise of life-saving interventions and prevention services for thousands of Texans.
CPRIT was created through a constitutional amendment in 2007, was appropriated $3 billion in general obligation bonds over a 10-year period, and awarded its first grants in 2010. The funding period has been extended in order to all