Texas School Health Advisory Committee

Texas School Health Advisory Committee provides active leadership in the identification and dissemination of school health best practices and resources for school policy makers. From the DSHS website:
The published membership roster appears to be out of date.
1. Welcome/Call to Order of members and staff. The meeting was convened by Eduardo Rios, Chair. A quorum was present.
2. Welcome new TSHAC members. New members were welcomed. The membership chart does not appear to reflect their appointment.
3. Consideration of February 27, 2023, draft meeting minutes. The minutes were approved as drafted.
4. Updates from subcommittees on progress of document revisions and information resources.
Opioid Addiction and Abuse Subcommittee—They have a document draft for approval at the winter meeting. Narcan is being implemented in the schools.
Physical Activity Subcommittee—There is a working draft of their recommendations for the winter meeting
Health Education—