Texas Insight Capitol Digest: June 14, 2021

Upcoming Deadlines
June 20, 2021: Post-session 20-day deadline for Governor to sign or veto Texas Constitution, Article IV, Section 14
August 30, 2021: Effective date (91st day after adjournment) Texas Constitution, Article III, Section 39 (unless otherwise specified in legislation)
Texas House of Representatives
Upcoming Committee Meetings
No committee meetings are scheduled
Texas State Senate
Upcoming Committee Meetings
No committee meetings are scheduled
Governor’s Committee on People with Disabilities' Call for Entries for the 2021 NDEAM Poster Art Competition
Each year in October, the Texas Governor’s Committee on People with Disabilities (GCPD) produces a poster for National Disability Employment Awareness Month (NDEAM) featuring art created by a Texas artist with a disability. The Texas posters have become so popular that we distribute more than 2,500 to businesses all across the nation. The winning artwork is also incorporated into the Tex