House Committee on Public Health

Pending Business.
HB299 Committee Substitute reported favorably
HB576 reported favorably
HB1106 Complete Committee Substitute reported favorably
HB1488 Complete Committee Substitute reported favorably
HB1890 Complete Committee Substitute reported favorably
HB2767 reported favorably
New Business.
This Report Includes All Bills Except HB 1686, Relating to prohibitions on the provision to certain children of procedures and treatments for gender transitioning, gender reassignment, or gender dysphoria and on the use of public money or public assistance to provide those procedures and treatments.
HB 59 Goodwin | et al.
Relating to child water safety requirements for certain organizations; authorizing disciplinary action, including an administrative penalty. 88(R) HB 59 - Introduced version (
Background. This a drowning prevention bill that passed last session. When six-year-old Cati Delapeña went on a swimming trip with her camp, her parents info