Texas Health and Human Services Digest: August 26, 2020

Previous meetings have made alternative arrangements like phone-in capability or have been canceled. These meetings are on the calendar as of today.
August 26, 2020
State Medicaid Managed Care Advisory Committee Complaints, Appeals, and Fair Hearings Subcommittee (SMMCAC CAFH) Agenda
This meeting will be webcast: Early Childhood Intervention (ECI) Advisory Committee New Member Orientation Agenda
CANCELLED: Public Health Funding and Policy Committee (PHFPC) Agenda
State Medicaid Managed Care Advisory Committee Clinical Oversight and Benefits Subcommittee (SMMCAC COB) Agenda
This meeting will be webcast: State Medicaid Managed Care Advisory Committee Agenda
August 31, 2020
This meeting will be webcast: Medical Advisory Board Physician Meeting (MAB) Agenda
This meeting will be webcast: Sickle Cell Task Force (SCTF) Agenda
This meeting will be webcast: Early Childhood Intervention (ECI) Advisory Committee Agenda
September 1, 2020
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