Texas Council on Cardiovascular Disease and Stroke

Texas Council on Cardiovascular Disease and Stroke conducts health education, public awareness and community outreach; improves access to treatment; coordinates activities among state agencies; and develops a database of recommendations for treatment and care.
Texas Statute: Health and Safety Code, Chapter 93, Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease and Stroke
Texas Administrative Code: Title 25 Health Services, Part 15, Council on Cardiovascular Disease and Stroke
Call to order, welcome, introductions, roll call and opening remarks. The meeting was convened by Suzanne Hildebrand, Chair.
Consideration of May 6, 2024, draft meeting minutes. The minutes were approved as drafted.
Consideration of TCCVDS Bylaws. The final version of the bylaws has been completed. They had previously been sent to the Council and there was no discussion.
MOTION: Approve the bylaws prevailed.
Consideration of Texas Administrative Code, Title 2