The Value-Based Payment and Quality Improvement Advisory Committee provides a forum to promote public-private, multi-stakeholder collaboration in support of quality improvement and value-based payment initiatives for Medicaid, other publicly funded… Read more
The Nursing Facility Payment Methodology Advisory Committee (NF-PMAC) is established by Title 1 of the Texas Administrative Code (1 TAC) §351.839. The committee:
Advises HHSC on the establishment and implementation of recommended improvements to the nursing facility (NF) reimbursement methodology and other NF payment topics.
Studies and makes recommendations on the development of an NF reimbursement methodology that incentivizes quality care for people served in an NF, and is cost-effective, streamlined and transparent.
Performs other tasks as requested by the executive commissioner.
The Intellectual and Developmental Disability System Redesign Advisory Committee advises on the implementation of the acute care services and long-term services and supports system redesign for individuals with intellectual and… Read more
Welcome and Opening Remarks; COVID-19 Update. Victoria Ford convened the meeting. She stated that last month, the Kerrville State Hospital started transforming two vacant buildings on its campus into a… Read more
The Texas Council on Cardiovascular Disease and Stroke conducts health education, public awareness and community outreach; improves access to treatment; coordinates activities among state agencies; and develops a database of recommendations… Read more
The Medical Care Advisory Committee is a federally mandated committee that reviews and makes recommendations to the state Medicaid director on proposed rules that involve Medicaid policy or affect Medicaid-funded… Read more
The Behavioral Health Advisory Committee provides customer/consumer and stakeholder input by making recommendations regarding the allocation and adequacy of behavioral health services and programs within the state of Texas. Read more
The Hospital Payment Advisory Committee (HPAC), a subcommittee of the Medical Care Advisory Committee, advises MCAC and HHS about hospital reimbursement methodologies for inpatient hospital prospective payment and on adjustments for disproportionate share hospitals. Members appear below. Read more
The Aging Texas Well Advisory Committee advises HHSC and makes recommendations to state leadership on implementation of the Aging Texas Well Initiative. Texas Gov. Rick Perry issued an executive order creating the Aging… Read more