State Medicaid Managed Care Advisory Committee (SMMCAC) Service and Care Coordination Subcommittee

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Call to order, roll call, and introductions. Aron Head convened the meeting. Members present: Tyra Hinton, Samantha Moreno, Beth Rider, Esmeralda Cazares-Baig. A quorum was present. The subcommittee focuses on improvements related to service and care coordination within managed care. Objectives include assessing best practices for care coordination, addressing state-level barriers hindering MCO deliver of care coordination services, clarifying terminology and definitions of service coordination and service management activities and identifying possible improvements to ensure service coordination and service management is consistent within HHSC contract requirements. Texas Dual Eligible Integrated Care Demonstration Project update Veronica Neville, Program Policy Manager , Medicare-Medicaid Integration Program Features New Medicare-Medicaid integration requirements: Information sharing requirements between D-SNP and aligned STAR+

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