State Medicaid Managed Care Advisory Committee (SMMCAC) Network Adequacy and Access to Care Subcommittee

Summary/Charge: Supports a comprehensive monitoring strategy to ensure members have timely access to the services they need. Objectives include accuracy of provider directories, incentivizing use of telehealth, telemedicine and telemonitoring services, reducing administrative burden related to network adequacy reporting and monitoring and integrating network adequacy reporting to include additional measures.
Call to order, roll call, and introductions. The meeting was convened by Aron Head, Subcommittee Chair. A quorum was established.
Consideration of May 1, 2024, draft meeting minutes. The minutes were adopted as drafted.
Proposed changes to pharmacy network adequacy standards (referenced in Title 1, Texas Administrative Code (TAC), Section 353.915)--The Texas Health and Human Commission (HHSC) Vendor Drug Program (VDP) provides statewide access to covered outpatient drugs for individuals enrolled in Medicaid and Children Health Insurance Program (CHIP). VDP is proposin