State Medicaid Managed Care Advisory Committee (SMMCAC) Network Adequacy and Access to Care Subcommittee

1. Welcome, roll call, and introductions. The 18th meeting of the subcommittee was convened by Aron Head. A quorum was established with three members.
2. Dental maintenance organizations (DMO) panel discussion on dental networks. The subcommittee met with the DMOs. The DMOs included Denta Quest, MCNA, and United Healthcare Dental. The Presentation PowerPoint and discussion follows.
How do you approach Texas Dentists around Texas Healthsteps. The panel stated that they understand dentists are in business and so the business concerns must be addressed. We maintain contact with providers on a regular basis. The challenge we run into is a lack of workforce or Medicaid enrolled workforce.
Is value based purchasing or alternative payment programs being pursued? The panel stated that value based care is part of their approach.
3. Direct Care Careers website launch. The DCC launched on Monday, August 28, 2023 and is a free, optional, online portal