State Medicaid Managed Care Advisory Committee (SMMCAC) Complaints, Appeals, and Fair Hearings Subcommittee

Call to order, roll call, and introductions. The meeting was convened by Dr. Karl Serrao. A quorum was present.
An introduction to the state fair hearing process Wendy Proctor
The Fair Hearings Department (FFH) of the Appeals Division within the Office of Chief Council, receives appeal requests contesting actions taken regarding benefits and services for various programs . These programs include the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), all Medicaid -funded services, and other agency programs that are required by state and/or federal law, or rules, to provide the right to a fair hearing Hearings Officers conduct fair hearings and administrative disqualification hearings statewide for 171 eligibility programs within HHS.
The Hearings Officer is impartial and does not work for or with any of the agencies for which they conduct hearings. The hearing is informal, and the rules of evidence are not strictly applied