State Medicaid Managed Care Advisory Committee

1. Call to order, roll call, and opening remarks. The meeting was convened by Jacob Ulczynski, Chair.
2. Consideration of May 26, 2022, draft meeting minutes.. The minutes were approved as drafted.
3. Consideration of revised SMMCAC bylaws. The updated bylaws extended the abolition date and made other minor changes. The bylaws were approved as amended.
4. Advisory Committee chair updates
Behavioral Health Advisory Committee
The full BHAC met on February 11, 2022, May 6, 2022, and August 5, 2022. During
these meetings the committee:
Received presentations from HHSC staff on various updates including:
9-8-8 Planning Grant
Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinics (CCBHC)
Peer & Recovery Services Programs
Youth Empowerment Services (YES) Waiver Renewal
Suicide Prevention
Opioid Coordination & Opioid Abatement Council
Substance Use Prevention and Behavioral Health Promotion
Approved recommendations related to:
Family ski