STAR+PLUS Pilot Program Workgroup (SP3W) and Intellectual and Developmental Disability System Redesign Advisory Committee (IDD SRAC)

Earlier this week, members of the STAR+PLUS Pilot Program Workgroup were notified that with the absence of funding for the Pilot by the Legislature, the workgroup was being dissolved. This will be the last meeting of the SP3W.
1. Welcome, call to order, introductions and roll call. The meeting was convened by Susan Murphree, Chair of the Star Plus Pilot Workgroup (SP3W). A quorum was not established due to the absence of members from the SP3W and the IDDSRAC.
2. Consideration of joint SP3W and IDD SRAC February 23, 2023, draft meeting minutes. The minutes could not be approved due to the absence of a quorum.
3. Legislative appropriations request update for the 88th Texas Legislature, Regular Session (2023) Trey Wood, HHSC.
Exceptional Items Considered by the Legislature—HHSC is still reviewing the approved budget.
Star Plus Pilot was not funded by the Legislature (HHSC had requested an exceptional item
Rate increase for community attendants to $10.60 floor
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