Sickle Cell Task Force

Sickle Cell Task Force raises public awareness of sickle cell disease and sickle cell trait. Texas Health and Safety Code, Chapter 52, directs the Texas Health and Human Services (HHSC) Executive Commissioner to establish and maintain a task force to raise awareness of sickle cell disease and sickle cell trait. The purpose of the Sickle Cell Task Force is to study and advise the department on implementing the recommendations made in the 2018 Sickle Cell Advisory Committee Report published by the Sickle Cell Advisory Committee or any other report the executive commissioner determines is appropriate. Membership can be found at: sickle-cell-task-force-rosterMay2024.pdf (
Call to order, roll call, and welcoming remarks. The meeting was convened by Dr. Fasipe, Chair. A quorum was present
Consideration of August 18, 2023, December 1, 2023, and May 3, 2024, draft meeting minutes. The minutes were approved for all meetings.
Consideration of draft SCTF Bylaws Am