Sickle Cell Task Force

The Sickle Cell Task Force raises public awareness of sickle cell disease and sickle cell trait. Task Force Members include:
Welcome, introductions, and logistical announcements. The meeting was convened by Dr. Titilope Fasipe, Chair. A quorum was present.
Consideration of May 27, 2022, draft meeting minutes.
Sickle Cell Task Force Rules.
The repeal of Texas Administrative Code, Title 25, Chapter 37, Subchapter R, Sickle Cell Advisory Committee, §37.420 is being replaced with new §37.420 governing the Sickle Cell Task Force (Task Force). Per Texas Government Code, §2110.008, the Sickle Cell Advisory Committee was abolished effective September 1, 2018.
The Task Force was established in accordance with House Bill 3405, 86th Legislature, Regular Session, 2019, and promulgated under the Texas Health and Safety Code, Chapter 50 (redesignated as Texas Health and Safety Code, Chapter 52 per House Bill 3607, 87th Legislature, Regular Session, 2021). The proposed new