Senate Committee on Health and Human Services: Senate Bill 53

Senate Bill 53
March 12. The Bill was left pending.
SB 53, by Zaffirini Relating to certain notice and filing requirements in court proceedings involving persons with mental illness. SB00053I.pdf.
Decades ago, when fax-based communication was nascent, the ink in documents transmitted via fax would fade days after receipt. Accordingly, laws created at the time required that when a court document was filed electronically, the original had to be filed within the next 72 hours. With the advancement of faxing technology, e-filing, and email, these provisions are no longer necessary and result in inefficient procedures. What's more, a lack of explicit authorization under the Health and Safety Code for sheriffs and constables to provide notice for mental health court proceedings results in them being more hesitant to participate in the process in some counties. S.B. 53 would clean up current law regarding filings and notice procedures in courts with mental health jurisdiction to i