Senate Committee on Finance Department of State Health Services

The Committee met to consider the budget for the Health and Human Services Commission and the Department of State Health Services. This report addresses the Department of State Health Services invited testimony, not including rider changes. The Committee briefly discussed remote working. A report on the issue was presented by the Legislative Budget Board. That portion of the meeting is not included in this report but the link to the presentation can be found at: 8962_Remote_Work_Policies.pdf.
Department of State Health Services
Legislative Budget Office Presentation
The biennial percent change in funding is primarily due to a reduction in federal funding for COVID-19 response, partially offset by increases to biennialize the statewide salary adjustment.
Fiscal year 2027 recommended FTEs represent a decrease of 18.6 percent compared to fiscal year 2025 appropriated levels largely due to the inclusion of one-time federally funded FTEs (776.0) in the 2024-25 biennium for