SB 963 Relating to allowing Medicaid managed care organizations to inform Medicaid recipients about the availability of certain private health benefit plan coverage

SB963 by Hughes (Relating to allowing Medicaid managed care organizations to inform Medicaid recipients about the availability of certain private health benefit plan coverage. SB00963I.pdf. Texas Legislature Online - 89(R) History for HB 3747 by Manuel (identical)
Senate Bill 963 by Hughes.
Managed Care Organizations (MCOs) report that current guidelines from the Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) restrict their ability to inform enrollees who may not qualify for Medicaid about health plan options available though
These limitations prevent MCOs from providing essential information to members who no longer qualify for Medicaid but may be eligible for subsidized coverage in the individual marketplace.
Many Texans transitioning out of Medicaid are unaware of their options. Supporting awareness of individual market options helps ensure continuity of care and prevents gaps in coverage.
S.B. 963 prevents HHSC from establishing marketing guidelines t