Leaders in Health and Human Services Reporting

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Leaders in Health and Human Services Reporting

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Health Care Reporting

Health Care Reporting

Public Health Funding and Policy Committee

Public Health Funding and Policy Committee

Hospital Payment Advisory Committee

Hospital Payment Advisory Committee

Medicaid/CHIP Market Intelligence Data Workbook

Medicaid/CHIP Market Intelligence Data Workbook

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U.S. Health Coverage and Spending

In 2016, the United States had an estimated population of 318 million individuals. Most of those individuals had private health insurance or received health care services under a federal program (such as Medicare or Medicaid). About 8.6 % of the U.S. population was uninsured (Table 1). Individuals (including those who were uninsured), health insurers, and federal and state governments spent approximately $3. 2 trillion on various types of health consumption expenditures (HCE) in 2016, which accounted for 17.1 % of the nation’s gross domestic product.
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HHSC: Value-Based Payment and Quality Improvement Advisory Committee

Meeting Summary. The Value-Based Payment and Quality Improvement Advisory Committee gathered for their quarterly meeting. [The Committee] provides a forum to promote public-private, multi-stakeholder collaboration in support of quality improvement and value-based payment initiatives for Medicaid, other publicly funded health services and the wider health care system. It was established in accordance with Texas Government Code §531.012. The Quality Committee studies and makes recommendations regarding:
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Medicare and Budget Sequestration

Summary. Sequestration is the automatic reduction (i.e., cancellation) of certain federal spending, generally by a uniform percentage. The sequester is a budget enforcement tool that was established by Congress in the…
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HHSC: Medical Care Advisory Committee


The Medical Care Advisory Committee (MCAC) gathered for their quarterly meeting. MCAC is a federally mandated committee that reviews and makes recommendations to the state Medicaid director on proposed rules that involve Medicaid policy or affect Medicaid-funded programs. Introduction Gilbert Handal, M.D., Medical Care Advisory Committee Chair stated that a quorum was established. The minutes from the meetings on August 24, 2017, and November 16, 2017, (vote required) were approved as written.
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“Texas Insight has been a valuable tool that we have utilized both during the
Texas Legislative Session and during the Interim. Timeliness and accuracy are important and that describes
the reporting system. We view it as a very important service to have.”