The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) is the nation’s largest domestic food assistance program, serving about 42.2 million in an average month at a federal cost over $68 billion in… Read more
The Select Committee on Opioids and Substance Abuse met to consider Charge #1: Study the prevalence and impact of substance use and substance use disorders in Texas, including co-occurring mental… Read more
The Select Committee on Opioids and Substance Abuse met to consider Charge #1:
Study the prevalence and impact of substance use and substance use disorders in Texas, including co-occurring mental illness. Invited testimony only. Study the prevalence and impact of opioids and synthetic drugs in Texas. Review the history of overdoses and deaths due to overdoses. Also review other health-related impacts due to substance abuse. Identify substances that are contributing to overdoses, related deaths and health impacts, and compare the data to other states. During the review, identify effective and efficient prevention and treatment responses by health care systems, including hospital districts and coordination across state and local governments. Recommend solutions to prevent overdoses and related health impacts and deaths in Texas.(Invited testimony only.)
Summary. A majority of Americans have health insurance from the private health insurance (PHI) market. Health plans sold in the PHI market must comply with requirements at both the state and… Read more
“The greater a child’s terror, and the earlier it is experienced, the harder it becomes to develop a strong and healthy sense of self.” ― Nathaniel Branden
To expand on some of the recent issues raised in postings on gender disparities in poverty and the effects of violence, TI offers a new series on trauma-informed care (TIC) and its use and promise in Texas. Trauma is generally defined as a deeply distressing or disturbing event, causing a sense of intense fear, terror and helplessness. TIC programs are those that incorporate knowledge of the impact of trauma and traumatic stress into policies and programs of systems of care, such as the child welfare system, schools, criminal justice systems and the healthcare system. The graphic displays TIC impacts at a Washington State high school:
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The Senate Health and Human Services Committee met to address the following charges:
Medicaid Managed Care Quality and Compliance:
Review the Health and Human Services Commission's efforts to improve quality and efficiency in the Medicaid program, including pay-for-quality initiatives in Medicaid managed care. Compare alternative payment models and value-based payment arrangements with providers in Medicaid managed care, the Employees Retirement System, and the Teacher Retirement System, and identify areas for cross-collaboration and coordination among these entities.
Evaluate the commission's efforts to ensure Medicaid managed care organizations' compliance with contractual obligations and the use of incentives and sanctions to enforce compliance. Assess the commission's progress in implementing competitive bidding practices for Medicaid managed care contracts and other initiatives to ensure the best value for taxpayer dollars used in Medicaid managed care contracts.
Texas Insight’s Recent Reports Trauma-Informed Care in Texas: Building on recent postings’ themes of the health and social impacts of economic disparities and abuse, this is the first posting in a… Read more
Meeting Summary. The Appropriations Subcommittee on Article II met on March 21 to hear invited and public testimony on the following issues related to interim charge 18: Monitor the agencies and… Read more
The Senate Health and Human Services Committee met to address the following charges:
Medicaid Managed Care Quality and Compliance:
Review the Health and Human Services Commission's efforts to improve quality and efficiency in the Medicaid program, including pay-for-quality initiatives in Medicaid managed care. Compare alternative payment models and value-based payment arrangements with providers in Medicaid managed care, the Employees Retirement System, and the Teacher Retirement System, and identify areas for cross-collaboration and coordination among these entities.
Evaluate the commission's efforts to ensure Medicaid managed care organizations' compliance with contractual obligations and the use of incentives and sanctions to enforce compliance. Assess the commission's progress in implementing competitive bidding practices for Medicaid managed care contracts and other initiatives to ensure the best value for taxpayer dollars used in Medicaid managed care contracts.
Health Care Cost Transparency:
Study efforts by the Department of State Health Services and the Texas Department of Insurance to increase health care cost transparency, including a review of the Texas Health Care Information Collection (THCIC) system, and the Consumer Guide to Healthcare. Recommend ways to make provider and facility fees more accessible to consumers to improve health care cost transparency, increase quality of care, and create a more informed health care consumer base.
What is SSDI? Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) is a federal social insurance program that provides monthly cash benefits to nonelderly disabled workers and their eligible dependents, provided the worker paid… Read more
“Texas Insight has been a valuable tool that we have utilized both during the Texas Legislative Session and during the Interim. Timeliness and accuracy are important and that describes the reporting system. We view it as a very important service to have.”