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Leaders in Health and Human Services Reporting

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The Weekly Insight: June 18

Texas Insight’s Recent Reports HHSC: Implementation of Peer Support services as a Medicaid Benefit: The Texas Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) held a public hearing to update the public on…
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HHSC: Council on Consumer Direction

Meeting Summary. The purpose of the Council is to advise HHSC on the development, implementation, expansion, and delivery of services through consumer direction, in all programs offering long-term services and supports…
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The Weekly Insight: June 13

Texas Insight’s Recent Reports House Select Committee on Opioids and Substance Abuse Parts I and II: This report contains the first and second parts of the House Select Committee on…
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House Select Committee on Opioids and Substance Abuse: Parts I and II

Meeting Summary. The Select Committee met to consider testimony on the following interim charge: Monitor and evaluate the implementation of legislation passed by the 85th Legislature regarding the Prescription Monitoring Program. In addition, review the prescribing of addictive drugs by physicians and other health care providers within various geographic regions of this state. Determine the role of health care professionals in preventing overutilization and diversion of addictive prescriptions. Provide recommendations that will improve efforts to prevent overutilization and diversion of addictive prescriptions.
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“Texas Insight has been a valuable tool that we have utilized both during the Texas Legislative Session and during the Interim. Timeliness and accuracy are important and that describes the reporting system. We view it as a very important service to have.”