Meeting Summary. The meeting was called to order by Speaker Straus, and the minutes from the Legislative Budget Board meeting on December 1, 2016, were approved as written. Receive a report… Read more
Exciting News! Thursday, July 12th, Health Tech Austin is hosting the Personalized Medicine Conference at the Capital Factory in downtown Austin, and TXI members are invited! Using the discount code TXINSIGHT, you… Read more
Meeting Summary. TheSTAR Kids Managed Care Advisory Committee, created by Senate Bill 7 of the 83rd Texas Legislature (Regular Session), advises HHSC on the establishment and implementation of the STAR… Read more
Texas Insight’s Recent Reports House Committee on Human Services: The committee met to continue hearings on Interim Charge 2, an overview of Medicaid managed care. The committee also met to… Read more
Meeting Summary. The House Committees on Appropriations, Subcommittee on Art. II and General Investigating and Ethics met in a joint hearing to consider the following interim charges: Appropriations Interim Charge 18/General… Read more
Most of the Texas Medicaid program is operating through Medicaid managed Care, which has been expanded, beginning in 2011, to cover nearly 94 percent of enrollees. Savings and improved outcomes… Read more
Meeting Summary. The committee met to continue hearings on Interim Charge 2, an overview of Medicaid managed care. Also, to discuss recent information reported by the Dallas Morning News regarding Medicaid managed care and the Health and Human Services Commission.
The committee heard invited testimony only.
As background, The Dallas Morning News published a series of articles related to Texas Managed Care. The multipart investigation from J. David McSwane and Andrew Chavez looks into the way Texas treats fragile people who rely on Medicaid, the government insurance program for the poor and disabled. This collection includes initial reporting and coverage of the reaction by lawmakers and the public.
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Texas Insight’s Recent Reports HHSC: State Medicaid Managed Care Advisory Committee: The Advisory Committee adopted the minutes and reviewed committee by-laws, then heard the following: a general overview of the current… Read more
The Cancer Prevention and Research Institute of Texas (CPRIT) was established in 2007. Prior to that time, it existed as the Texas Cancer Council, which was established in 1985 to… Read more
“Texas Insight has been a valuable tool that we have utilized both during the Texas Legislative Session and during the Interim. Timeliness and accuracy are important and that describes the reporting system. We view it as a very important service to have.”