Leaders in Health and Human Services Reporting

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Leaders in Health and Human Services Reporting

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Senate Committee on Finance

The Senate Finance Committee met to hear invited testimony only on the following interim charge related to health and human services: Monitor the implementation of the following funding initiative: Health Care Costs Across State Agencies - Monitor coordination efforts among state agencies to improve health care and reduce costs pursuant to Article IX, Section 10.06 and Section 10.07. The Committee met on two other charges as well that are not related to health and human services directly and as such are not reported.
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Joint Budget Hearing: HHSC

This report addresses HHSC only and does not include the Office of the Inspector General nor does it include the Texas Civil Commitment Office. Legislative Appropriations Request for Fiscal Years…
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The Weekly Insight: September 18

Texas Insight’s Recent Reports HHSC Legislative Appropriations Request: “HHSC’s 2020-21 funding request is the culmination of months of evaluation on how we can do more with less. We viewed each…
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The Weekly Insight: September 10

Texas Insight’s Recent Reports DFPS Legislative Appropriations Request: The Department of Family and Protective Services’ (DFPS) mission is “promote safe and healthy families and protect children and vulnerable adults from…
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HHSC Legislative Appropriations Request

HHSC’s 2020-21 funding request is the culmination of months of evaluation on how we can do more with less. We viewed each request through the prism of two questions: Is…
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HHSC: STAR Kids Managed Care Advisory Committee

Meeting Summary The STAR Kids Managed Care Advisory Committee advises on the establishment and implementation of the STAR Kids Medicaid managed care program which provide services for children with disabilities who have Medicaid coverage to improve coordination and customization of care, access to care, health outcomes, cost containment and quality of care. Introduction The meeting was convened by the Chair, Elizabeth Tucker. The minutes from the meetings on March 19, 2018, and June 25, 2018, were approved as written.
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DFPS Legislative Appropriations Request

The Department of Family and Protective Services’ (DFPS) mission is “promote safe and healthy families and protect children and vulnerable adults from abuse, neglect, and exploitation.” More than 12,500 DFPS…
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“Texas Insight has been a valuable tool that we have utilized both during the
Texas Legislative Session and during the Interim. Timeliness and accuracy are important and that describes
the reporting system. We view it as a very important service to have.”