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Leaders in Health and Human Services Reporting

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The Weekly Insight: December 17

Texas Insight’s Recent Reports Texas e-Health. At their last meeting, in addition to receiving the committee report that will be advanced to the Executive Commissioner for consideration, the e-Health Advisory…
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HHSC: State Medicaid Managed Care Advisory Committee

The State Medicaid Managed Care Advisory Committee provides recommendations and ongoing input to HHSC on the statewide implementation and operation of Medicaid managed care. The committee looks at a range of issues, including program design and benefits, systemic concerns from consumers and providers, efficiency and quality of services delivered by Medicaid managed care organizations, contract requirements for Medicaid managed care, provider network adequacy, and trends in claims processing. The committee also helps HHSC with policies related to Medicaid managed care and serves as the central source for stakeholder input on the implementation and operation of Medicaid managed care.
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The Weekly Insight: December 10

Texas Insight’s Recent Reports HHSC: Texas State Child Fatality Review Team Committee: The mission of the  State Child Fatality Review Team Committee is to reduce the number of preventable child deaths…
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HHSC: e-Health Advisory Committee (eHAC)

The e-Health Advisory Committee (eHAC) was established in July 2016 to advise the Texas Health and Human Services executive commissioner and HHS agencies on strategic planning, policy, rules and services…
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Health and Human Services Executive Council

Welcome and opening remarks.  This was Executive Commissioner Dr. Courtney Phillips' first Executive Council meeting. Dr. Courtney N. Phillips started as the new executive commissioner for the Health and Human Services system on Oct. 19. The executive commissioner convened the meeting. Meeting dates: The meeting dates were established but not shared with the public.
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HHSC: Texas State Child Fatality Review Team Committee

The State Child Fatality Review Team Committee is a multidisciplinary group comprised of members throughout Texas. Its mission is to reduce the number of preventable child deaths and its purpose is threefold:

  • To develop an understanding of the causes and incidence of child deaths in Texas;
  • To identify procedures within the agencies represented on the Committee to reduce the number of preventable child deaths; and
  • To promote public awareness and make recommendations to the governor and the legislature for changes in law, policy, and practice to reduce the number of preventable child deaths.

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The Weekly Insight: December 3

Texas Insight’s Recent Reports Department of State Health Services: Fiscal Size-Up: DSHS works to improve the health, safety and well-being of Texans through good stewardship of public resources and a…
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Texas Council on Cardiovascular Disease and Stroke

The Texas Council on Cardiovascular Disease and Stroke conducts health education, public awareness and community outreach; improves access to treatment; coordinates activities among state agencies; and develops a database of recommendations for treatment and care. During the 76th session of the Texas Legislature, lawmakers passed House Bill 2085, which included the creation of the Texas Council on Cardiovascular Disease and Stroke.
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“Texas Insight has been a valuable tool that we have utilized both during the
Texas Legislative Session and during the Interim. Timeliness and accuracy are important and that describes
the reporting system. We view it as a very important service to have.”