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Leaders in Health and Human Services Reporting

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The Weekly Insight: January 15

Texas Insight’s Recent Reports Comptroller of Public Accounts: Revenue vs Shortfall. According to the Comptroller’s “cautiously optimistic” revenue estimate, the 86th Legislature will have an estimated $119.12 billion available for general-purpose…
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HHSC: Behavioral Health Advisory Committee

The Behavioral Health Advisory Committee provides customer/consumer and stakeholder input by making recommendations regarding the allocation and adequacy of behavioral health services and programs within the state of Texas. The purpose of the committee is to provide customer/consumer and stakeholder input to the Health and Human Services system in the form of recommendations regarding the allocation and adequacy of behavioral health services and programs within the State of Texas. The BHAC considers and makes recommendations to the HHS Executive Commissioner consistent with the committee’s purpose.
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The Weekly Insight: January 7

The Texas 86th Legislative Session is Here. The Texas House and Senate will be gaveled in at noon tomorrow, which means the next quiet moment we’ll see here at the Capitol is May 28,…
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The Weekly Insight: January 2

Texas Insight’s Recent Reports Medicaid Issues Facing the 86th Texas Legislature. This brief provides an overview of Texas Medicaid issues to be addressed in the upcoming legislative session. These include…
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Texas Medicaid Issues Facing the 86th Legislature

This brief provides an overview of Texas Medicaid issues to be addressed in the upcoming legislative session. These include the Medicaid shortfall affecting the current biennium, a number of Medicaid Managed Care issues, Medicaid expansion to adults up to 138 of the federal poverty level (FPL), and the FY 2020-21 Legislative Appropriation Request (LAR) for Medicaid. Note that Health and Human Service agency Transformation has consolidated most of Medicaid programming into one agency - the Texas Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC).
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“Texas Insight has been a valuable tool that we have utilized both during the Texas Legislative Session and during the Interim. Timeliness and accuracy are important and that describes the reporting system. We view it as a very important service to have.”