House Appropriations Committee Decision DocumentRepresentative Davis, Subcommittee Chair on Article II Members: Representatives Cortez, Hefner, Sheffield, Turner, J.Decisions as of February 27, 2019LBB Analyst(s): Andrea Nikic, Amy Ma, Liz Prado Read more
The Committee on public health met to consider: HB 10 Thompson, Senfronia | et al Relating to grants and programs for researching and treating behavioral health and psychiatric issues. Also considered was HJR5, proposing a constitutional amendment providing for the issuance of general obligation bonds by the Texas Public Finance Authority to fund research, treatment, and access to services in this state for behavioral health, mental health, and substance use and addiction issues.
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Decisions as of February 26, 2019, at 8:00 AMLBB Analyst: Amy MaWorking Paper—Prepared by the Legislative Budget Board StaffHouse Appropriations Committee Decision DocumentRepresentative Davis, Subcommittee Chair on Article II Members: Representatives Cortez, Hefner, Sheffield, Turner, J Read more
HB 72 by White | et al., Relating to the continuation of Medicaid benefits provided to certain children adopted from the conservatorship of the Department of Family and Protective Services.
LBB Fiscal Note [here]. The fiscal implications of the bill cannot be determined at this time but a significant cost to General Revenue Funds would be expected. Insufficient information is available to determine how many children might be eligible for the benefits identified in the bill.
Call to order: Dr. Emily Briggs convened this meeting. Roll call: Council roll was called. A quorum was present. Approval of the minutes. The minutes for the meeting on November… Read more
Welcome and introductions: The meeting was convened by Helen Baker, Vice Chair of the Texas Council on Consumer Direction (CDS). Review and approve December 4, 2018, meeting minutes: Minutes from… Read more
The State Medicaid Managed Care Advisory Committee provides recommendations and ongoing input to HHSC on the statewide implementation and operation of Medicaid managed care. The committee looks at a range of issues, including program design and benefits, systemic concerns from consumers and providers, efficiency and quality of services delivered by Medicaid managed care organizations, contract requirements for Medicaid managed care, provider network adequacy, and trends in claims processing. The committee also will help HHSC with policies related to Medicaid managed care and serves as the central source for stakeholder input on the implementation and operation of Medicaid managed care. Members appear below. Read more
Texas Insight’s Recent Reports Health and Human Services Commission: 86th Legislative Session Update. The HHSC Executive Council gathered to hear 86th Legislative Session updates concerning the Health and Human Services… Read more
Introduction. The life sciences industry in Texas includes thousands of private firms employing tens of thousands of workers, dozens of world-class research universities and institutions with an increasing expertise in commercialization… Read more
Welcome and Opening Remarks. The meeting was convened by Cecile Young.
Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) 86th Legislative Session. The new Executive Commissioner has appeared before several committees including Nominations.
Department of State Health Services (DSHS) 86th Legislative Session. Dr. Hellerstedt stated that this is a busy time for DSHS as they work through the appropriations process. They are very grateful that the base bills from both the House and Senate already include funding for several of their Exceptional Items, including the Data Center as well as 49 vehicles needed for staff all over the state to carry out their public health duties. Additionally, the House provided funding to fully implement the X-linked adrenoleukodystrophy (XALD) newborn screening test, and increased funding to assist DSHS in the fight against maternal mortality and morbidity. Read more
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