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Senate Committee on Health and Human Services: S.B. 10 Reported as Engrossed

SB10 Nelson | et al. Relating to the creation of the Texas Mental Health Care Consortium.

Fiscal note Summary (Senate Committee Report) here. Depending on the amount of funding distributed by the Consortium's executive committee to health-related institutions of higher education for mental health research projects and for workforce expansion, there would be some fiscal impact to the state. Senate Bill 1 as introduced includes $50 million in General Revenue for each year of the 2020-21 biennium for this purpose.

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House Appropriations Committee Decision Document: Article II Mark-Up – HHSC

House Appropriations Committee Decision Document Decisions as of March 4, 2019 Representative Davis, Subcommittee Chair on Article II Members: RepresentativesCortez, Hefner, Sheffield, Turner, J. LBB Analyst(s): Samantha Brock, Mike Diehl, Rustin Dudley, Liz Prado Shaded areas are under the jurisdiction of the Subcommittee for Infrastructure, Resiliency, and Investment
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House Appropriations Committee Decision Document: Article II Mark-Up – DFPS and DSHS

House Appropriations Committee Decision Document Decisions as of March 4, 2019 Representative Davis, Subcommittee Chair on Article II Members: Representatives Cortez, Hefner, Sheffield, Turner, J. LBB Analyst(s): Andrea Nikic, Amy Ma NOTE: In cases where partial General Revenue amounts were funded, the all funds amount will have to be determined, in some cases, because of the impact of the recommendations on federal and other funds.
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HHSC: e-Health Advisory Committee

Call to order and logistics: Dr. Ogechicka Alozie convened the meeting. Roll was called and a quorum was present. Welcome and introductions: Dr. Ogechicka Alozie welcomed the Committee members and each member introduced themselves. Approval of December 6, 2018, meeting minutes: Minutes were approved.
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House Appropriations Committee Decision Document: Article II Markup – HHSC

House Appropriations Committee Decision Document Decisions as of February 28, 2019 LBB Analyst(s): Samantha Brock, Mike Diehl, and Rustin Dudley Representative Davis, Subcommittee Chair on Article II Members: Representatives Cortez, Hefner, Sheffield, Turner, J. Shaded areas are under the jurisdiction of the Subcommittee for Infrastructure, Resiliency and Investment
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“Texas Insight has been a valuable tool that we have utilized both during the Texas Legislative Session and during the Interim. Timeliness and accuracy are important and that describes the reporting system. We view it as a very important service to have.”