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SB 2150 by Kolkhorst

SB 2150 Kolkhorst Relating to the reporting of certain information on maternal mortality to the Department of State Health Services. ~ LBB Fiscal Note Summary. No significant fiscal implication to…
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Senate Committee on Health and Human Services

The Committee met on March 27 to consider the following: PENDING BUSINESS SB23 Reported favorably CSSB952 Reported favorably (Local and Uncontested) SB113 Reported favorably (Local and Uncontested) SB1234 Reported favorably…
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The Weekly Insight: March 26

Texas Insight’s Recent Reports House Human Services. The Committee gathered to consider the following: HB 53 Minjarez | et al., Relating to the transitional living services program for certain youth…
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Senate Committee on Health and Human Services

The Committee met on March 26 to consider the following: SB 1233 Kolkhorst, Relating to controlled substance prescriptions under the Texas Controlled Substances Act; authorizing a fee. SB 1564 West,…
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House Committee on Public Health

The Committee gathered to consider the following: HB 577 Thompson, Senfronia - Relating to dispenser requirements for refilling prescriptions for certain controlled substances. HB 531 Miller - Relating to the retention by hospitals and physicians of medical records of a sexual assault victim. HB 921 Rosenthal - Relating to the intake and disposition records of animal shelters and releasing agencies. HB 1255 Hinojosa - Relating to patient medical records regarding maternal death. HB 1256 Phelan - Relating to access by certain persons to a first responder's immunization history during a disaster.
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House Committee on Human Services

The House Committee on Human Services met to consider the following: HB 53 Minjarez | et al. – Relating to the transitional living services program for certain youth in foster care. HB…
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The Weekly Insight: March 18

Texas Insight’s Recent Reports Texas State Senate. The Full Senate took up SB500 (Committee Report) by Nelson, relating to making supplemental appropriations and reductions in appropriations and giving direction, including direction regarding…
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House Committee on Appropriations: HB1 and SB500

The Committee met to consider the following. HB 1 Zerwas General Appropriations Bill. The committee substitute contains all of the items of appropriation and riders that were previously adopted. The bill spends $114.6 billion GR which is well under the Comptroller’s Biennial Revenue Estimate of $119.1 billion. It contains about $2 billion from the economic stabilization fund (ESF) out of the $15.4 billion ESF. HB1 is within all four constitutional spending limits. The Chair stated that it provides:
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Texas State Senate: S.B. 500 Passes to Engrossment

The Full Senate took up SB500 (Committee Report) by Nelson, relating to making supplemental appropriations and reductions in appropriations and giving direction, including direction regarding reimbursement, and adjustment authority regarding…
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Texas Legislative Session and during the Interim. Timeliness and accuracy are important and that describes
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