Nursing Facility Payment Methodology Advisory Committee
Nursing Facility Payment Methodology Advisory Committee studies and makes recommendations on the development of a nursing facility reimbursement methodology that incentivizes quality care for people served in a nursing facility, and is cost-effective, streamlined and transparent. Members include:
Alyse Meyer
Amanda Fredriksen
Kelly Roberts
Kevin Warren
Donovan Dekowski
Paula Brown
Eddie Parades
Rachel Bailey
Rachel Poe
Robert Kalin
Janet Johnston
Randall Martin
Sherri Harris
Billy Millwee
Maryann Choi
Victoria Grady
1. Welcome and opening remarks. The meeting was convened by the Chair, Eddie Parades. A quorum was present. Case mix will be discussed at the next meeting.
2. Consideration of December 14, 2021, draft meeting minutes. The minutes were approved as drafted.
3.Direct care staffing enhancement considerations. This involved the incentive for staffing. The intent is not being realized. There has b