LBB and GOBP Joint Budget Hearing: Department of State Health Services

Dr. John Hellerstedt introduced Donna Sheppard who, with the Commissioner, jointly presented the detail of the DSHS budget request. She stated that the State laboratory addresses more than 50% of their request. [Presentation here.]
DSHS Mission is to improve the health, safety, and well-being of Texans through good stewardship of public resources, and a focus on core public health functions.
DSHS Vision is “A Healthy Texas.”
DSHS Goals:
Improve health outcomes through public and population health strategies, including prevention and intervention.
Optimize public health response to disasters, disease threats, and outbreaks.
Improve and optimize business functions and processes to support delivery of public health services in communities.
Enhance operational structures to support public health functions of the state.
Improve recognition and support for a highly skilled and dedicated workforce.
Foster effective partnership and collaboration to achieve publ