Joint Meeting of the Aging and Disability Resource Center Advisory Committee (ADRCAC) and Texas Respite Advisory Committee (TRAC)

What is an Aging and Disability Resource Center?
The Texas Aging and Disability Resource Centers (ADRCs) are highly visible and trusted places where people of all ages, incomes and disabilities can go to get information and one-on-one counseling on the full range of long-term services and supports available in Texas. The ADRCs provide:
a person-centered, community-based environment that promotes independence and dignity for individuals;
easy access to information and one-on-one options counseling to assist consumers in exploring a full range of long-term services and supports to meet their needs and/or situations; and
resources and services that support the needs of family caregivers.
Strategic Planning
With funding from the Administration for Community Living, the Texas Department of Aging and Disability Services (DADS) developed the Aging and Disability Resource Center Three-Year Strategic Plan, 2016-2018. (Note: oversight of the ADRCs transferred to the Tex