Intellectual and Developmental Disability System Redesign Advisory Committee Collaboration with Managed Care (CMC)

Intellectual and Developmental Disability System Redesign Advisory Committee advises on the implementation of the acute care services and long-term services and supports system redesign for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities. This is a subcommittee of the full committee. system-redesign-for-individuals-with-idd-report-2023.pdf (
Welcome, call to order, introductions and roll call. The meeting was convened by Susan Murphree, Co-Chair. A quorum was present.
Consideration of April 3, 2024, subcommittee draft meeting minutes. The minutes were approved as drafted.
IDD SRAC CMC recommendations for HHSC’s legislative annual report on implementation, as required by Texas Government Code, Section 534.054
d8e1ba90c7064371a2dd3c247b151c91 ( The subcommittee worked from this document and the highlighted information provided below during their deliberations.
There had been so many recommendations, a