IDD SRAC – Meaningful Skills Development and Employment Services (MSDES) Subcommittee

Welcome, call to order, introductions, and roll call. The meeting was convened by Carla Hughs. A quorum was not immediately available. A quorum was established a half hour into the meeting at which time the minutes were considered.
Consideration of July 13, 2023, subcommittee draft meeting minutes. The minutes were approved as drafted.
Senate Bill 50, 87th Legislature, Regular Session (2021) update.
Senate Bill (S.B.) 50, 87th Legislature, Regular Session, 2021 Related to a competitive and integrated employment initiative for certain Medicaid recipients. Directs HHSC to develop rules for the following purposes:
Implement a uniform process to assess an individual’s employment goals and identify competitive and integrated employment services available to the individual;
Entities responsible for the development and renewal of the plan of care shall use the uniform process to assess employment goals and incorporate those goals and opportunities into the plan o