House Committee on Human Services: DFPS & HHSC

CHAIR: Hull, Lacey
VICE-CHAIR: Manuel, Christian
Seniority Appointments
Hull, Lacey
Manuel, Christian
Noble, Candy
Schatzline, Nate
Speaker Appointments
Davis, Aicha
Dorazio, Mark
Morales, Christina of Harris
Richardson, Keresa
Rose, Toni
Slawson, Shelby
Swanson, Valoree
The Committee on Human Services met to conduct an organizational hearing. The committee heard invited testimony only from the following agencies under the committee's jurisdiction:
Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC)
Department of Family and Protective Services (DFPS)
Behavioral Health Executive Council
HHSC Office of Inspector General
This report addressed HHSC and DFPS only. Click HERE to view the full report.