House Committee on Human Services

The House Committee on Human Services met to consider the following:
HB 53 Minjarez | et al. - Relating to the transitional living services program for certain youth in foster care.
HB 744 Rose | et al. - Relating to the Medicaid eligibility of certain women after a pregnancy.
HB 823 Davis, Yvonne - Relating to an expedited on-site health inspection process for assisted living facility license applicants.
HB 1063 Price - Relating to the reimbursement of providers for the provision of certain home telemonitoring services under Medicaid.
HB 1109 Swanson - Relating to waiving certain annual training requirements for foster parents.
HB 1576 Phelan | et al. - Relating to the delivery of certain transportation services under Medicaid and certain other health and human services programs.
HB 1585 González, Mary - Relating to a study on interest or other waiting lists maintained for certain Medicaid programs providing services to persons with