House Committee on Appropriations: Subcommittee on Article II | Committee on General Investigating and Ethics

Meeting Summary. The House Committees on Appropriations, Subcommittee on Art. II and General Investigating and Ethics met in a joint hearing to consider the following interim charges: Appropriations Interim Charge 18/General Investigating & Ethics Interim Charge 10: Monitor the agencies and programs under the Committees' jurisdiction and oversee the implementation of relevant legislation passed by the 85th Legislature. (Oversight of the Texas Health & Human Services Commission's management of Medicaid managed care contracts.)
The Committees heard invited and public testimony.
Committee Business: Oversight of Medicaid Managed Care Contracts
1. Panel 1: Patients & Impacted Individuals
Ms. Linda Badawo
Ms. Heather Powell
Ms. Marta Whitworth
Ms. Nancy Toll
Ms. Caroline Cheevers
2. Panel 2: Managed Care Organizations
Mr. Mark Sanders, Chief Executive Officer, Superior HealthPlan
Mr. David Harmon, Chief Medical Officer, Superior HealthPlan