House Committee on Appropriations: HB 2570, CPRIT Grant Awards

HB 2570 Zerwas - Relating to the award of grants by the Cancer Prevention and Research Institute of Texas Oversight Committee and to the payment of claims related to those grants by the comptroller of public accounts.
LBB Fiscal Note: The fiscal implications of the bill cannot be determined at this time.
The bill would amend Chapter 403 of the Government Code to authorize that a claim related to grants awarded under Chapter 102 of the Health and Safety Code, relating to the Cancer Prevention and Research Institute of Texas (CPRIT), may be paid not later than seven years after the end of the fiscal year for which the appropriation from which the claim is to be paid was made. Under current law, those claims may be paid for up to two years after the end of the fiscal year from which the appropriation was made. Increasing the period of time during which a CPRIT grant could be paid to a claimant could have a fiscal impact in the near-term and offsetting implication in the longer-te