House and Senate: Select/Requested Bill Coverage from the Week of April 23

HB 562 (by Thierry) relates to warning labels for opioid prescription drugs. (Public Health Committee, April 24th.)
LBB Fiscal Note Summary. No fiscal implication to the State is anticipated.
Bill Summary. The bill requires that the Board of Pharmacy to adopt rules requiring that a
prescription for an opioid be dispensed in a bottle with a warning label that addresses the risk of addiction and overdose. The label must include language in all capital letters and printed in 14-point font.
Representative Thierry explained the committee substitute. Opioids are a family of drugs that are designed to be painkillers. Every day, 115 people die from opioid abuse. Of the top 25 cities known for abuse, it was found that four of them are in Texas. Additionally, opioid abuse is a leading cause of death for post-partum women. This bill requires explicit safety warnings so that people will be aware of the issues and cautions that should be exercised.
Representative Frank asked