House and Senate Appropriations: Summary Comparison on Article II

Both the House and the Senate provide an All Funds Health and Human Services agencies total of $84.8 billion, an increase of $1.2 billion from the 2018–19 biennium. General Revenue Funds and General Revenue–Dedicated Funds total $34.1 billion, a decrease of $1.2 billion from the 2018–19 biennium.
The biennial All Funds increase is primarily the result of the following areas:
The House and Senate both provide an increase of $2.3 billion associated with projected caseload growth and maintaining fiscal year 2019 average costs or rates for Medicaid, Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP), and child protective services programs including foster care;
The House and Senate both provide a decrease of $523.5 million in Federal Funds associated with onetime disaster-related federal funding and the Opioid State Targeted Response federal grant; and a decrease of $460.0 million in Other Funds associated with funds from the Economic Stabilization Fund appropriated for capital repa