Hospital Payment Advisory Committee

The Hospital Payment Advisory Committee functions as a sub-committee of the Medical Care Advisory Committee. It advises MCAC and the Health and Human Services Commission about hospital reimbursement methodologies for inpatient hospital prospective payment and on adjustments for disproportionate share hospitals. The committee advises to ensure reasonable, adequate, and equitable payments to hospital providers and to address the essential role of rural hospitals.
The Rural Hospital Advisory Committee (RHAC) is a subcommittee of HPAC mandated by Senate Bill 1621, 86th Legislature, Regular Session, 2019, to advise HHSC of issues relating specifically to rural hospitals.
Members include:
Steve Hand, HPAC Chair
Memorial Hermann Health System
Diana J. Strupp
Tenet Health Systems
Frank L. Beaman (RHAC member)
Faith Community Health System
John Henderson (RHAC member)
Texas Organization of Rural and Community Hospitals (TORCH)
Round Rock