HHSC: Value-Based Payment and Quality Improvement Advisory Committee

The Value-Based Payment and Quality Improvement Advisory Committee provides a forum to promote public-private, multi-stakeholder collaboration in support of quality improvement and value-based payment initiatives for Medicaid, other publicly funded health services and the wider health care system
Welcome and introductions. Dr. Mary Peterson, Chair convened the meeting. A quorum was established.
Review and approval of meeting minutes from July 1, 2020, meeting. The minutes were approved as drafted.
Update: New member appointment process. The application process will open in the next few months with a one-month application deadline. Members with expired terms include Michael Stanley, Vincent Sowell, Joseph Ramon, Benjamin McNabb, Kathy Lee, Daverick Isaac, Beverly Hardy-Decuir, Adam Garrett, Cliff Fullerton. All members continue on the VBPQIAC until an appointment is made; outgoing members are eligible to apply for another term.
Presentation: California Maternal Care Collabor