HHSC: Texas HIV Medication Advisory Committee

The Texas HIV Medication Advisory Committee advises in the development of procedures and guidelines for the Texas HIV Medication Program, reviews program's goals and aims, evaluates ongoing efforts, and recommends short-range and long-range goals and objectives.
Current THMP Advisory Committee Members
1. Call to Order and Welcome. The meeting was convened by Dr. Natalie Vanek, M.D., Committee Chair. A quorum was present.
2. Logistical Announcement and Roll Call. Sallie Allen, Advisory Committee Coordination Office, Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC).
3. Review and Approval of July 31, 2020, Meeting Minutes (Vote Required) – Sallie Allen, Advisory Committee Coordination Office, HHSC. The minutes were approved as drafted.
4. Commissioner’s Updates, Imelda Garcia, Associate Commissioner, Department of State Health Services (DSHS); Phillipe Rocha mad the presentation. He addressed the DSHS LAR. It was submitted on October 9th, later than normal because of t