HHSC: STAR+PLUS Pilot Program Workgroup
The STAR+PLUS Pilot Program Workgroup advises HHSC on the development, operation and evaluation of a new STAR+PLUS Pilot Program (Pilot) to test the managed care delivery of long-term services and supports (LTSS) for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD), traumatic brain injury that occurred after age 21, or people with similar functional needs as a person with IDD.
Welcome and Introductions. Ginger Mayeaux, Chair, convened the meeting. A quorum was established. The Chair provided an update on vacant committee positions. Joy Kearny stated that they are in the process of reviewing applicants for a position related to family member membership and to replace a person who had resigned from the workgroup. The process can take several months.
Adoption of June 17, 2020, Meeting Minutes. The minutes were approved as drafted.
Committee Bylaws. Some changes were reviewed by legal staff at HHSC:
Strike the wording related to Chair
Language that was st