HHSC: Proposed Medicaid Payment Rates for Small and Large State-Operated Intermediate Care Facilities for Individuals with an Intellectual Disability or Related Conditions

Hearing. The Texas Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) conducted a public hearing on April 21, 2020, at 10:00 a.m., to receive public comment on the interim Medicaid reimbursement rates for small and large state-operated Intermediate Care Facilities for Individuals with an Intellectual Disability or Related Conditions (ICF/IID). The hearing was held in compliance with Texas Human Resources Code §32.0282, which requires public notice of and hearings on proposed Medicaid reimbursement rates.
Proposal. HHSC proposes the following interim per diem reimbursement rates for small and large state-operated ICFs/IID to be effective retroactive to September 1, 2019:
HHSC is proposing these interim rates so that the facilities will have adequate funds to serve the individuals residing in these facilities. The proposed interim rates account for actual and projected increases in costs to operate these facilities. The rates are not related to the agency response to COVID-19.