HHSC: Medical Care Advisory Committee

The Medical Care Advisory Committee is a federally mandated committee that reviews and makes recommendations to the state Medicaid director on proposed rules that involve Medicaid policy or affect Medicaid-funded programs. Members are listed below.
Welcome, introductions, and opening remarks. The meeting was convened by the Chair, Colleen Horton. A quorum was present.
Approval of August 13, 2020, meeting minutes. The minutes were approved as written.
Medicaid and Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) Activities.
The focus has been on the COVID-19 response as well as managed care issues and initiatives that came out of the last session including:
Medicaid transportation carve-in
LTSS for IDD and a pilot implementation
SB1207 complex medical needs and a specified provider aligning rule timeline with the contract timeline in March 2021; proposed rule mid-late December with a public hearing prior to February
1115 Waiver and DSRIP transition in 2022